I was really worried about this game when there was a glitch in the very first puzzle...it said I "completed the puzzle" when I first touched it. And some of the reviews made it sound unplayable. In my case, playing version 1.6 on an iPhone 6s Plus, that was the only major glitch. There were some others, like text appearing half off the screen or "tools" not working quite right, that really should be ironed out since this game has been out for 3+ years, but nothing that made the game too frustrating. I agree with previous reviews that its weird to have a bunch of unused tools at the end of the game. Beyond that it felt like there were loose ends, but no indication they could be tied up. There were many upsides to this game as well: the puzzles were fun and some were quite innovative. And for the price it is quite a long game. Probably 2+ hours for me (but I am a completionist and kind of slow besides). Overall, I think the game was definitely worth the $2 I spent, but I dont know if Ill buy the next two sequels. The frequent glitches didnt ruin this game, but they do show a lack of care by the game makers. Maybe Ill just go play The Room again.